Artist of the Month Archive
March 2023
Rilee Harris '23
Rilee has proved herself as a committed artist at WMA. Having taken Studio Art, Painting, AP 2D Design, AP 3D Design and Ceramics, Rilee has shown that she is willing to explore and develop her art seriously in her time at WMA. Moreover, for the past two years Rilee has received special recognition for her talents in the visual arts for her painting and digital works from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Rilee has shown the dedication, hard work and growth we expect to see from our top students in the arts.
February 2023
Lilyth Mathison '24
Lily is a talented singer and songwriter who has shared her gifts with our WMA community for five years. She began in music class and quickly expanded to joining the Upper School’s open mics. She was cast as Jesus in her middle school production of “Godspell” and belted out some Broadway hits in last years “Best of Broadway” production. Lily additionally shows her school spirit by singing the national anthem at many WMA sporting events. Lily’s true love is writing and recording music. She is also developing a career as a solo artist and will be featured this summer on Pratt Street in Hartford for their summer concert series. Lily plans to pursue a career in music and recording. Lily’s strong performances in our recent winter musical “Xanadu” demonstrate her talents from dancing, to comedy, singing and, of course, roller skating!
January 2023
Hannah Jamal '23
- Mr. Bloomfield, Chair, Fine & Performing Arts
December 2022
Kyooeun "Ethan: Kang '23
This year in AP 3D Design and Design Studio, Ethan’s work ethic and quality has been exemplary. He has sustained one of the highest standards in this advanced class. He works efficiently yet pauses to reflect, adjust, and re-evaluate his goals. Ethan has a natural curiosity about materials, and their inherent properties, which typically results in quality and creative conclusions.
November 2022
Isabelle Rivera '25
Isabelle has been dancing with Academy Dancers since her arrival in Middle School. In each performance, she has shown athleticism, technique and the spirit required to be a successful dancer. Moreover, she has been willing to put in the long hours required to achieve the level of commitment and excellence. She is an inspiration to our community!
October 2022
Yuna Rho '23
Yuna is no stranger to ceramics. Having trained in Korea, she has a solid understanding of the pottery wheel throwing process. She has a good sensibility in handling the clay at different stages of the pottery process, and she has also shown that she can develop her skills and try new techniques.
Yuna started with a very uniform rounded shape with tapered walls. She has since expanded her ceramic style to include straight walls, uniform thickness, and adding interesting touches to her work - and always with a respect for craftsmanship. Her work never looks shoddy or weak.
September 2022
Javier Herrera '25
Javier has been an outstanding Jazz student. Coming to class rehearsals always with a smile and positive energy, Javier grabs his trumpet, takes out his music, sets up his stand and begins warming up his chops. This prompts the rest of his section and the group as a whole to follow suit. Javier executes his charts with focus and a drive to play well. He corrals his band mates when needed and cheers them on when they are playing solidly.