Middle School Night
Friday, Jan. 31, 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.
On campus
Winter Dance
For Middle School Students
- Where: Campus Center
- Why: Great prizes, awesome snacks, music by DJ Vartabedian and amazing friends
- Attire: Casual, and wear your best winter-themed item (prizes will be awarded)
Winter Gathering
For Parents/Guardians of Middle School students
While your child is dancing and enjoying themselves at the Middle School Dance, we welcome Middle School parents/guardians to join us for an informative and fun evening at WMA.
What you need to know
- Where: Starts in Alumni Memorial Chapel
- Why: Learn from an alumni parent perspective, prepare your calendar with key dates for the rest of the school year, connect with other parents/guardians, and enjoy a night of no cooking and dishes
- Attire: Casual
- Parking: Available in the Smith Hall parking lot on Mountain Road (please do not park in reserved/resident parking spots). Overflow parking is available in the Admissions and Athletic Center lots on Faculty Street, and at the former bank next to Shenkman House on Main Street.
- Bonus: Each participant is entered into the casual dress code raffle for their child.
Schedule of Events
- Welcome from Elyse Dunbar, Director of Family Engagement
- Alumni Parent Perspective, Chris Bignell P’23, '24
- 2024 Student Highlights
- Key dates for the remainder of the school year, Stuart Whitcomb, Director of the Middle School
- Closing remarks
- Following the program: Winter-themed hors d’oeuvres, desserts and refreshments in Gill Memorial Hall