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Handbooks & Policies

Student/Parent Handbook 2024-2025

Adendum, added 11.25.24

Upper School section - Page 79
Addition to: J. Academic Honors
"First Year Foundations and Health classes are not included in the calculation."

College Counseling Office Polices & Procedures

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

Policy on transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals

Click here to read Wilbraham & Monson Academy’s policy on transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals.

Bias-based Incident Reporting

These forms are intended to collect instances of insensitivity, bias and/or harassment at Wilbraham & Monson. The Academy will use information provided in these forms to monitor the campus climate, inform training, program planning and policy development.

Every effort will be made to evaluate your report promptly, however, the timing and manner in which the Academy addresses the report will vary depending on the information provided and whether you wish to remain anonymous. 

Wilbraham & Monson takes the reports made through this site seriously. Please make your report as accurate and truthful as possible.

Student reporting

Bias-based Incident Reporting

Non-student reporting (faculty, staff, coaches, etc.)

Bias-based Incident Reporting