Behavior Management Plan at Beech Tree
We want all of our campers to enjoy their camp experience. We will provide a safe, stimulating, and fun camp experience. We expect our campers to be willing to listen to directions, follow along with the group from activity to activity, understand safety precautions, and respect others personal time and space. Positive reinforcement is an integral part of the Beech Tree Camp experience. Time is taken so our expectations for good behavior are clearly explained, that each camper understands them, and that each child feels secure that the adults in charge will keep them in a safe and productive environment.
For those times when a camper’s behavior is detrimental to the overall camp experience, developmentally appropriate methods of behavioral management will be used in dealing with “improper behavior.”
These methods include use of some of the following techniques: distraction, redirection, gentle reminders, offering acceptable choices, outlining natural consequences, and, when absolutely necessary, “Renewal Time” (time away from the situation to reflect and to renew self-control).
Behavior that threatens the physical and/or emotional safety of a child or other children (e.g., hitting, biting, verbal assaults, kicking, throwing objects, pushing, and temper tantrums) are not tolerated and will result in the following responses:
First Occurrence – “In-House” behavior management. The camper will be asked to sit with a staff member and a discussion will ensue regarding the unacceptable behavior demonstrated. Alternate appropriate behaviors for possible future situations will be discussed. The occurrence will be communicated to the parent at pick-up time
Second Offense – An incident report will be completed and given to the parent at pick-up time. A conference may be requested to discuss the situation and foster a clear line of communication between the camp, the camper, and the parent.
Third Offense – An incident report will be completed and the parent will be notified. The camper may be removed from all camp activities for 1-2 days depending on the severity of the behavior.
Fourth Offense – An incident report will be completed and the parent will be notified. The camper may be requested to leave camp for the remainder of the session.
Note: Extremely violent/threatening/obscene behavior can result in immediate removal from the program. If a child is asked to leave Beech Tree Camp, no refunds will be given.
Please know that we are ready and willing to work with every family to help build a safe, secure, enjoyable camp experience for each and every camper. We value your input and feedback, and we are confident that by working together we can all enjoy a great time at Beech Tree Day Camp.