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Legacy of Excellence Bequest Campaign

Bequest campaign header

A $50M Bequest Campaign for WMA’s Endowment

Wilbraham & Monson Academy has been a beacon of educational excellence for more than 220 years, shaping the lives of students and preparing them for a future of leadership, innovation and impact. To propel the Academy into the next chapter of its story, we are proud to announce the Legacy of Excellence Endowment Bequest Campaign.

Join the Campaign!

The difference between a good school and a great school is philanthropy.

Building on the momentum created by the recent announcement of several historic planned gifts - the Board of Trustees has approved a bold target:

$50 million in declared planned gifts for the endowment.

With roughly $37M in declared gifts already, we can get there! 


Why the focus on planned giving?    

WMA's current endowment of $12.1M provides only a small part of the yearly financial support WMA needs. The balance comes from tuition and annual contributions. 

Growing the endowment is therefore critical to our continued success, and the best way to maintain the Academy's status as a preeminent educational institution.

Bequests and other planned gifts are the easiest way for members of the WMA community to help make this happen! 

By naming WMA in your estate, you can propel us on this journey of legacy and impact!

Endowment Impact

Endowment chart


The average endowment for independent schools across Massachusetts is $103M. Learn more about how the endowment impacts WMA

Group of smiling students

Secure a transformational education for generations of students to come!