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Wilbraham & Monson Academy has been a beacon of educational excellence for 220 years, shaping the lives of students and preparing them for a future of leadership, innovation and impact. To propel the Academy into the next chapter of its story, we are proud to announce the Legacy of of Excellence Endowment Bequest Campaign.

Join Alumni who have made the commitment

More than 100 people have already named WMA in their estate and are honored as part of our Heritage Society. Doing the same will make a huge impact on the Academy and put you in great company!

Full list of Heritage Society members

Photo of female alumna

Hannah Dunphy '10
"My four years at WMA transformed my view of myself and the world, and my time there would not have been possible without the generosity of others. While I can't make a large gift right now, I hope that I can make a meaningful contribution someday in the future to ensure that the wonder of the Academy continues for future students."

MAle alumna

Will Daly '06
"WMA gave all of us so many memories, experiences, and knowledge. I hope that by naming WMA in my estate it will someday help students attain the same education and experiences I received."

Husband and wife posing

Wilber '64W & Janet James
"Announcing our gift during our lifetime makes us feel part of something bigger, part of a winning team. It's about standing behind WMA and honoring its history while also looking ahead to a bright future."

Photo of alum

Robert Edmunds '01
“I know how much WMA helped me, so how can I go through life, or reach the end of it, and not give something back?”

Male alumna

Dr. Symin Charpentier '07
"It was the independence, structure, and discipline I received at WMA, which helped me throughout my undergraduate and graduate days. I use those skills even today. I strongly encourage other alumni to consider a planned gift when thinking about how they can support WMA."

Alum smiling

Phil Lawton '54
Wilbraham was right for me in so many ways. I got the academics I needed for college and could stay active in sports and social activities. It was only one year but the Academy's impact has been lifelong. Giving back just makes sense." 

Dr. Harrison B. Hawley '61
"The small classes and dedicated faculty made learning easy and provided the tools and confidence for higher learning. Playing on the golf team was fun and built the fundamental skills for a game that I still enjoy at age 80. I hope to help give future students the same opportunity."

Photo of husband and wife

James '50W & Patricia LaCrosse
"We see the leadership that WMA has, that they are moving forward. It's a good school and needs the support of the alumni. Including Wilbraham was an obvious choice."